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Sing With Us, Wherever You Are!

If you're too far away from one of our chorale locations, or you prefer not to participate with a group at this time, consider joining us VIRTUALLY for all of the benefits of chorale singing with your fellow senior singers!


Here's what's included in your $125 registration fee:

  • Professional, entertaining vocal instruction (see bios of Founders and Staff)

  • 10 weeks of programming each spring and fall, with one 2-hour rehearsal each week

  • Music scores for you to keep

  • Online practice recordings of each part (available 24/7)

  • Online rehearsal videos (available 24/7)

  • Opportunity to join us in live performances and concerts


We look forward to welcoming you to our
5280+ Senior Chorales family!

To register, please fill in the form on this page, mail your check for $125 payable to 5280+ Senior Chorales to the following address.  You will hear from us upon our receipt.

Mailing Info:
5280+ Senior Chorales
558 E Castle Pines Pkwy, B4-365
Castle Pines, CO  80108

Contact Info:
5280+ Senior Chorales
Cindy Runkel, Exec Dir
720-255-1860 (Mtn Time)
Thanks for submitting! We'll be back with you shortly!


Content including photos, audio and video copyright 2017 - 2025 by

5280+ Senior Chorales NPC

558 E Castle Pines Pkwy  B4-365   

Castle Pines, CO  80108


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