Hello Parker Singers
Please check this box after 10am Wed morning for potential rehearsal updates due to upcoming weather...
5280+ NOTABILIA - updated Monday, February 10, 2025 10:00am​​​
With late fanfare on our fall concert series audio recordings, please know they are now available on the PERFORMANCES menu tab. Apologies for the lengthy delay.
PLEASE check the CALENDAR tab for upcoming rehearsals and performances dates, times, locations & details.
Our Mission: The 5280+ Senior Chorales Exist to Provide Significant and Measurable
Health and Wellness Benefits of Choral Singing to Mature Adults
Sing With Us, Wherever You Are!
If you're too far away from one of our chorale locations, or you prefer not to participate with a group at this time, consider joining us VIRTUALLY for all of the benefits of chorale singing with your fellow senior singers!
Here's what's included in your $125 registration fee:
Professional, entertaining vocal instruction (see bios of Founders and Staff)
10 weeks of programming each spring and fall, with one 2-hour rehearsal each week
Music scores for you to keep
Online practice recordings of each part (available 24/7)
Online rehearsal videos (available 24/7)
Opportunity to join us in live performances and concerts
We look forward to welcoming you to our
5280+ Senior Chorales family!