Hello Parker Singers
Please check this box after 10am Wed morning for potential rehearsal updates due to upcoming weather...
5280+ NOTABILIA - updated Monday, February 10, 2025 10:00am​​​
With late fanfare on our fall concert series audio recordings, please know they are now available on the PERFORMANCES menu tab. Apologies for the lengthy delay.
PLEASE check the CALENDAR tab for upcoming rehearsals and performances dates, times, locations & details.
Our Mission: The 5280+ Senior Chorales Exist to Provide Significant and Measurable
Health and Wellness Benefits of Choral Singing to Mature Adults
Come, Sing With Us!
Scroll down for detailed information on our
PARKER ARTS (PA) Programs.
If you're aged "50 to 80+", please join us for an upcoming semester! Enjoy the mental, physical and social benefits of daytime choral singing in a supportive and non-auditioned environment under the direction of Co-Founders and professional musicians Brian Leatherman, Conductor and
Cindy Runkel, Accompanist.
Scheduled weekly HR rehearsals
SPRING 2025: Jan 24 - Mar 28, 2025
10 consecutive FRIDAYS from
10:30AM to 12:30PM
in the
Wildcat Mountain Auditorium at the
Southridge Recreation Center
4800 McArthur Ranch Rd
Highlands Ranch, CO 80130​​
HRCAA 303-791-2500 info line
To see us in action and meet our wonderful family of singers, you are WELCOME and ENCOURAGED to visit during one of our first 2 rehearsals.
NOTE: you must create or log in to your account to register! then, select REGISTER NOW in the upper right corner...
If you're aged "50 to 80+", please join us for an upcoming semester! Enjoy the mental, physical and social benefits of daytime choral singing in a supportive and non-auditioned environment under the direction of Co-Founders and professional musicians Brian Leatherman, Conductor and
Cindy Runkel, Accompanist.
Scheduled weekly SS rehearsals
SPRING 2025: Jan 27 - Mar 31, 2025
10 consecutive MONDAYS from
1:00 to 3:00 PM
in the
Santa Fe & Topeka Rooms at the
Buck Community Recreation Center
2004 W Powers Ave
Littleton, CO 80120
(NOTE: room assignments may change - see calendar for updates)
SSPRD 303-797-8787 info line
To see us in action and meet our wonderful family of singers, you are WELCOME and ENCOURAGED to visit during one of our first 2 rehearsals.
NOTE: you must create or log in to your account to register! then, select ACTIVE ADULTS in top menu list, then 5280 Senior Chorales (391341)
​If you're aged "50 to 80+", please join us for an upcoming semester! Enjoy the mental, physical and social benefits of daytime choral singing in a supportive and non-auditioned environment under the direction of professional musicians
Chris Guarente, Conductor and
Bonnie Hackett, Accompanist.
Scheduled weekly PA rehearsals
SPRING 2025: Jan 22 - Mar 26, 2025)
10 consecutive WEDNESDAYS from
12:00 to 2:00 PM
in the Sanctuary at
Parker United Methodist Church
11805 S Pine Dr
Parker, CO 80134
Parker ARTS 303-805-3374 info line
To see us in action and meet our wonderful family of singers, you are WELCOME and ENCOURAGED to visit during one of our first 2 rehearsals.